Remember- I was low on clean clothes. So I stuffed myself into, a tight pair of shredded jeans and a preppy collared shirt- yeahhhh- not my favorite outfit to say the least.
It was uncomfortable.
I went to catch the uptown train, and ran into a nearly empty train car- only to find out there wasn't any air conditioning!!! So I quickly stepped out and headed to another car- and saw the doors close! The conductor stuck his head out and said- "Hey, is something wrong with that car?" To which I replied, "yeah, it's too hot." I asked if he could please please please open the train door, to which- he looked me up and down- smiled and quickly opened the door!
HELLS FUCKING YES!!! Things are looking my way! This is awesome!
When I got to my stop, I saw the conductor again, and said "Thanks again, have a great day!"
He then replied- "Oh yeaaah sweetheart- you too."
So even in this busted up outfit, I still got moves.
I saw a reflection of myself- and realized the jeans that I stuffed my ass into- made me look like I had ass and hips for days- ya know what I mean?
But instead of being self conscious I decided to work with it and I felt empowered.
On 125th street I had to walk by so many projects and a whole lot gangstas.
I gave them all whiplash as I walked by.
So instead of feeling like a victim, I felt in control. Like I was in charge. It was kind of fun.
The shirt I was wearing wasn't showy at all, but still men looked. It was very perplexing.
The meeting went well. I finally got the services I've been fighting for months for my daughter. Overall it was a good day.
The downtown local train wasn't working, so I had to go uptown- to then transfer and go back downtown. It was confusing. On the way uptown, at 137th street station I saw someone I knew. I don't believe at all in "coincidences"- this was fate. I'd met an awesome jeweler back when I did the block fair a couple of months back. We actually live only two blocks apart from each other- but we met on 137th street!!! It's was crazy!
So we talked all the way back home.
Shout out to my girl, Peta!!! You're awesome!!!
After a day like today- I'm actually loving my body- and feeling very confident in it. I like days like today- where things work out.
My friend wrote a blog about- boobs!- after reading my -boobie blog- and it's so great!!!- check it out-
I, like her, developed boobies- at an early age, age 11 to be exact.
Boobies aren't the only word I use for breasts, there's are jugs, bazoombaas, melons, jugaroos, tittyballs (Dave's fave). I use them all and many many more- because it's funny- that why!
I noticed in fifth grade, boys were looking at me differently. In junior high school it was even worse, because I had ass, hips and boobs- so I was very self conscious of my body and the way people looked at me.
I was always a very sexual person, I mean my first crush was when I was a little kid- on Supergirl ( from the movie- if you don't know this movie than you are a wee-little-baby), in a way I was kind of hyper-sexual, from a very young age. Then add that I was a total and complete flirt- so I was trouble. But I didn't lose my virginity, until I was "of age", that was the one thing I held onto and did everything else- BUT that, until then. I'm actually glad I did, because my mania really kicked in after I had sex for the first time. So if I'd lost it early on- I would've been a mess! Most bipolar are nymphomaniacs- well all the ones I've ever known, including me.
I really admire my friends that wait until they are ready to have sex. I still think that is the very best way to go, and to not rush these things because sex DOES change you in some way shape or form- forever.
There were a few guys, that tried to force me, leading to a few bruises on me AND them- don't worry they didn't succeed.
Plus I was a hot fucking mess in my teenage years- I still to this day hate the way I looked back then. So g-d bless you if you liked me back then, really G-d bless you.
But all that's in the past- and today I felt good about myself. And I'm more confident being nearly thirty years old- than I ever was at 13, 14 years old.
Now I LOVE my tits and ass- and I thank g-d for it.
G-d bless curves everywhere!!! Big and small.
Work your inner Diva- and even if you don't feel confident NOW- you should FAKE it until you do- because there are always people that will find you attractive- no matter what size or shape.
Feel good about yourself- and people will follow. Heck you might even meet Mister or Miss right? Who knows.
Confidence has always caught my eye.
Kisses Bitches!!! And work those tits and ASS!
*beautiful photo of Marilyn Monroe
Thank you sweets!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blogs and that's the first time one of yours made me go off on a rampage in one of mine...in a good way...lol
And you were gorgeous in high school!
I always thought so and so did my mother, but it was your magnetic personality that really made you shine so bright back then.
Today that magnesium makes the sexy Mama that you've become shine even brighter then every before, so I'm not surprised some brothers are heading home with sore necks...lol
But I will do as you say and "FAKE it..." until that confidence in me becomes real.
Love ya girl!!!
Thank you my darling- I love you right back!!!