Levi did so great, this happens all the time. I told Levi "Don't worry baby, you'll get them next time!" with a wink.
And today's Dave and my anniversary- 12 years to the day we met. At a movie premiere for There's Something About Mary. He was 25 years old, I was only 17. He was freaked because he fell for me right away ( yeah that's the way I roll son;) and I was still in High School. The minute he found out that 17 was legal- nothing got in his way. But he was a total gentleman. He was naming our children probably the second month we were dating- he was NUTS! BTW- none of the names made it- he wanted names like- "Coconut" and "Banana"- I should of realized he was a foodie a long long time ago. haha!
He broke up with me at the five month mark-because "it was going to fast". I thought he was so crazy- and at the end of his speech- handed him a candy cane ( that was in my pocket) and walked away. At that moment he realized he WAS crazy- and wanted to be together again.
He broke up with me again, right before prom- I ended up taking my girl, Helene- shout out to you girlie! We had a blast!
Don't worry- I broke up a bunch of times with him, and I fucked up SOOO many times- HELLO I'm bipolar! That's what I do!
But then many years later- here we are married with two kids!
Today he gave me a card ( I hadn't made him anything yet- oops) and it said "I'd marry you again! Love Yo baby Daddy!"
Yep- that's my boo. I think he's NUTS!;)
I wouldn't marry me again, instead I'd live in sin- because that's the way to do it! haha!
Other than that-
I'm a little freaked out, because we are so totally broke this month. Thanks to family, we have some food in the house, but when that runs out, who knows.
We would be okay- if we had food stamps! Fucking food stamps- they are so backed up on court cases because they cut everyone's freaking food stamps! It's such bullshit.
The government is so messed up!
At least then I'd have food money. I wish we'd get an answer already from them, so if they decided to turn us down- we could just apply again. But of course they gotta leave us hanging. Because they owe me several months back- so I'd get retro.
I'm trying not to freak and just stay positive, but it's scary.
I had to use all my SSI money for food, and we're only half-way through the damn month.
Calm down, right? I should just relax.
It's a special day after all- both kids have therapy, I got to cook and clean- the norm, and find sometime to make this day special in some way.
Basically I got to "Nut up or shut up!"
Kisses Bitches- remember live in sin!!!
Love yas!
*photo of Dave and I at Coney Island when I was about 9 months pregnant with Levi
Enjoy your day baby girl...you deserve it