Monday, September 18, 2017

"I knew who I was in the morning"

" I knew who I was in the morning but I've changed a few times from then".

Well known quote in the Bipolar community.

To me though it means so much much more.

Every day in every way the world around me is changing.

I woke up with a good idea of who I was today...very positive actually.

Events happened....and then others and others, obstacles as they do- usually I'd stress and worry.

Instead I was the steadiest in the room.
See my life has changed and how I react to my world has changed too.

The world, people and certain events had managed to change me...and then...I grew stronger, more still and peaceful.

I never know what tomorrow brings but  I look forward to it.

I knew who I was in the morning but I've changed a few times since then-

And I'm so very glad.🙏

Friday, September 8, 2017


Another butterfly hatched this happened.

I now have such a deep love for swallowtail butterflies, and have to be present for each hatching.

They always come back to say hello again and again.

It's a beautiful thing.

I feel such a deep connection with them.💙💙

I know this is probably my first pic of my side neck tattoo.
It was done in my kitchen when I was 16, Not by a professional.
Definitely  a manic moment of mine.
It came out terrible and then I had an allergic reaction to the cream so all the colors bleed out.
It never looked right. It was SUPPOSED to be a fairy.
I have a long time obsession with fairies, especially Brian froud fairies (the dark crystal is on my arm, but not complete)

I've always known I would one day have it covered but never knew with what (plus in NYC tatts are super expensive- now that I've moved I have a lot more options!!😊 for mah poor ass)
Now I know I want swallowtail butterflies,  realistic ones flying across my neck.

The butterflies have become a symbol of my rebirth my metamorphosis into the new phase of my life.  My truer self hopefully.
As an Aquarius I'm always unpredictable and evolving.

So I surprise myself at times.
I'm always on to the next style, next fashion, next thing etc.