You all know I've been depressed for awhile- so that makes days like today- ooooh so much better.
We decided to go to the beach- Coney Island, of course!
Yes I do think very fondly of my dear old Coney Island- even though the beach is dirty and the water even more so- frankly I'm too poor to go to Long Island beaches, so Coney was the ONLY beach we can get to.
I like the people there- a mix of ghetto-ness, tattooed folk and old timers- my kind of people!
It took almost two hours to get there- but the kids- very surprisingly were really well behaved on the train- almost like they knew where we were going.
Usually Lee freaks the f*ck out every time we go on the train- but this time- SILENCE!
Me likey!!! Me likey a lot!
It was REALLY hot today- about 96 degrees or so- and I really felt that at first.
The minute we got everything set up on the beach- Violet rolled around in hot sand.
Dave took her to the water and I took Lee.
Violet was scared at first but Dave didn't give up- and soon she was loving the water.
Lee- not so much. The sound of the waves really freaked him out and he was very scared.
Unlike when we go to the nearest public pool and he falls asleep on my cushiony boobies every time.
I definitely gave birth to water babies- that's for sure. I think Lee would have loved it if it hadn't been so noisy.
I took him back to the blanket and he laid with me under the umbrella. Just chillin' with me, chewin' on a plastic bucket. What can I say- he's a total mama's boy- his life is all about me right now- and I love it!
He sat on my lap and relaxed.
Kayla, Dave and Vi went back and forth into the water. Violet was covering herself in sand while playing with her bucket and shovel. At one point she rubbed her eyes- and that's when the trouble started. Sand must have gotten into her eyes and she was crying and kept rubbing them. I tried to wash out her eye- with no success. For the rest of the day her right eye bothered her- and she was exhausted.
We went to grab something cheap and quick to eat- and then headed to Brighton Beach- where we could get all kinds of delicious Russian food with our food stamps to bring home for everyone.
After that the day was done and we headed home.
The minute we got home, I put both Lee and Vi into a bath and put eye drops in Vi's eyes.
Lee finally drank a bottle- after going nearly the whole day without any. I did get him to drink some water- thank goodness and eat some yogurt melts.
We took lots of photos throughout the day.
I was inspired by some old photos I found of my grandmother- looking all pin-up on the beach.
I think the photos might have even been taken on Coney Island beach.
So I decided to make these photos black and white and dress a tiny bit retro.
Even though Coney Island has changed a lot- I'm kind of glad. Even a few years ago- Coney Island wasn't safe. Especially near dark.
But now- it's much more family oriented and the rides look awesome. Yes, I'm too poor to ride them right now- but I'd like to think I'll get to some time.
I feel at home, with the old men with pot-bellies and old army and navy tattoos- they're my kind of people. At no point will they ask me- "Why did you get that tattoo?" or "Have you thought of what that tattoo will look like when you get older?" Another favorite question of mine.
I especially like the old guys with crazy cool mustaches- I think they're so awesome.
Yeah, I know I'm bizarre- whatever!
All in all- it was a great day today- besides all the crying and screaming.
And now as I type this blog post- I realize how tired my body is- aching from all the carrying and schlepping.
No- I'm not going to sleep just yet- I just want to sit on the couch, while the kids finally fall asleep, play some video games or watch a movie.
I LOVE the summer- and really really don't want the winter to come.
Kisses Bitches!
* photo of Vi, Lee and me and his plastic bucket
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