As you all know my kids and Dave are very ill, as am I.
I decided Not to go to the plus-size modeling contest,and instead sell my prize collection of toys ( mint in box) and old clothes for money for some much needed food.
Little did I know, that I would be helping other poor people like me today.
The booth next to me was a jewelry designer- very fabulous! We became friends. She's awesome!!! And she might use me to model some of her jewelry- which is stunning!!! She's so talented!!!
I also saw the head of the modeling agency I work for! Apparently we live close by.
It was quite a surprise but a very nice one at that.
Originally I was going to donate all the clothes ( baby's clothes and mine) to a charity. But most of them re-sell it, which means it doesn't go to the people that really need it.
Luckily I met a lot of people, that I talked to, and found out we were in the same boat. I handed back this wonderful woman's money, because, she like me, was poor. I gave her the clothes. She felt guilty because I was poor too. I told her- that I wish I could do more, at the very least- I can do this. To which she FINALLY excepted.
See most poor people, don't except hand-out- or help-ups as I call them. They are too proud. So I did this repeatedly.
A rich person, that I sold a dress to, mentioned to me what a nice thing I did and she hopes I sell a lot, because I deserve it.
That was a really sweet thing to say and helping all these people made me feel fulfilled.
I also got a name of a woman's shelter that I can donate the rest of the clothes to. So I know it will go to the people that need it.
I also gave away a lot of star wars toys to little kids that couldn't afford much.
The smile on their faces, made my day. It was a fantastic day.
I'm glad in the end, I didn't go to the contest, because then I wouldn't have met these wonderful, caring, beautiful people.
On another note- I was also selling a lot of my old shoes- shoes that were too small-pregnancy made me feet grow, grrrr. SO here's a photo of some of the shoes. Most were stiletto heels, some 9" high, others were platform, knee high boots, mostly boots I'd worn for photo shoots, and maybe some other occasions.
Anyways- EVERY single guy that walked by, with or without a girlfriend, took one look at my shoes, then me with a certain look- as if to say " KINKYYYYYYYY!!!!"
I always here my boy Marco's voice when saying this word "Kinkyyyyyyy".
And yes, I am a Kinky bitch, even if I'm a mom of two.
It was a magical day. I feel full inside- my heart filled with joy. It's a great feeling- can't wait to experience that again.
Kisses my beautiful KINKY bitches!!! You better WORK!
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