I'm Bipolar. I'm fabulous! I'm a mom of three autistic kids. Oh and I'm dirt poor. Haters gonna Hate...Lovers gonna Love.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
One of the longest and best days ever!!!
Yesterday was a very long long day.
I hadn't slept in two whole days- so I was blurry eyed all day.
But it was a day of miracles!
Dave the night before, injured his wrist and knee, doing repairs in the apartment and was unable to come yesterday with me and Levi to his IFSP ( early intervention meeting) near Wall Street in the city at 9 in the morning.
I had to wake Kayla up much earlier than usual, around 6 a.m. because we had to leave at 7:30 to make sure we got to the meeting on time.
Kayla was going cross eyed since she was so exhausted.
I was wiped out! I hadn't slept in two days- Levi had been up every single hour for two nights in a row-
I didn't get to nap at all during those days- I had too many things to do.
The day before I took Levi and Dave to a new school- this school was for Levi- not Violet.
I fell in love with this school!
The people there, the place- everything.
I find that even though I've been through this process before- I still know absolutely NOTHING!
I'm learning new things every single day!!!!
There is so much out there for Autistic kids now, and their families!!!
It's beautiful!!
Anyways- back to yesterday-
The IFSP meeting went GREAT!!!
Everyone was on the same page.
Levi's new school ( he hasn't started yet) sent a coordinator to the meeting.
She was wonderful- and will help me get all the free services that are out there- for my kids!
Including getting straight medicaid! This would be a godsend! We've always had such a hard time finding doctors for my children that take our insurance.
She was so helpful! I knew- during that meeting- it was meant to be that I moved to Brooklyn.
Without moving here- I wouldn't have met these wonderful people.
The coordinator from the school, informed me about a "sitting service" ( like babysitting) for kids with autism!!! They take straight medicaid!!! It'll be a process to get all these services- but it gives me hope.
That maybe, just maybe, I could have some help. And get some relief!!!
I cried at the meeting- because I was so moved by everyone's help.
And they saw how I've been struggling.
Then again, I hadn't slept for two whole days!!!
This was by far the best IFSP meeting I ever had!!!
After the meeting we (Kayla, Levi and I) headed to McDonald's which was across the street for Violet's school.
There were only 3 kids in her class yesterday- so I bought Happy Meals for everyone!
For kids- that don't show emotion very well-
They sure looked happy to see McDonald's for lunch!!
One of Violet's best buddies CLAPPED for joy!!!
They are the best kids I've ever met- I love them all so much.
Lindsay, her best buddy came up to me and hugged me when she saw me!
This was Kayla's first time seeing Violet's school- she smiled from ear to ear the entire time we were there!!!
( about 3 hours!!)
Levi was allowed to play with all the toys and go to the sensory room.
He LOVED it so much!!!
And they loved him.
This is where Levi will go to school when he turns 3! For sure!
Violet was SO happy to see us there!!! We surprised her!!!
Apparently, she's been talking!!! Yup, talking in school.
She says some things- like- "Go away", "stop!", "cookie", she even tries to say her speech therapist's name- Stacey- but it sounds more like- "Ki-Ki"
She even has a communication board- with photos of words, objects and people she knows!!
Yesterday she pointed- by herself- to the "I" photo, "WANT" ( photo with the word on it) and "nuggets!" (photo of chicken nuggets!!!) When she wanted her chicken nuggets!!!!
I freaked out!!!!
She is so smart!!!
I cried- sobbed- when they showed me what she's been doing- and that she's been doing so well trying to communicate her wants and needs!!
It was a day of miracles for me.
You have no idea- what this day was like for me- emotionally.
To see, that my daughter understands things!!! Just made my heart explode!
The way home- wasn't has pleasant- it was freezing outside!!
And Kayla and I couldn't carry both the kids and the double stroller on the train/ or bus to go home. We needed a cab!
But no cab would take us to Brooklyn!
I was freaking out!! Violet was crying she was so cold- every place was jam packed with people- it was a nightmare-
I cut myself on the stroller and was bleeding all over my daughter while trying to keep her warm-
My blood all over her pants and jacket- it looked a bit like a horror movie after a while.
I scrambled all the loose change and money Kayla and I had- and FINALLY- Kayla got a gypsy cab.
He was wonderful- and definitely another miracle for me- yesterday!
He saved Kayla, my kids and I from frostbite.
I'd never seen Violet so cold before! EVER!
On the ride to home- I looked at Violet, and started talking with her.
I asked if she was excited we came to her school? Is Stacey her favorite?
And she did something she's never ever done before!
She looked me in the eye (EYE CONTACT!!!) and held my hand and snuggled with me- because I FINALLY understood her.
I'm getting teary eyed right now- writing this.
It's like she's been trying to tell me things all along- and I just didn't "get it".
But now I knew- she did understand- and she was happy.
That's all I ever needed to know.
She is my angel.
And of course Levi is too.
I thank God for them everyday- without them- I am nothing- truly.
Thanks for listening to my long freaking blog.
God bless you all,
I hope the holidays bring you everything you wish for and more!!!
*photo of Violet- very happy- at school. with her teacher and the classroom "smartboard" in the background.
She REALLY knows how to use the smartboard- perfectly.
One day- I would love to own a smartboard!! The day I win the lottery, right?!!!
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I am so so so happy for you! I cant even begin to tell you. I knew that this was meant to be, moving to Brooklyn and I am so glad that you will get some form of help now.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Nat!!! For everything!!!