I'm Bipolar. I'm fabulous! I'm a mom of three autistic kids. Oh and I'm dirt poor. Haters gonna Hate...Lovers gonna Love.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Obsessed with Hair- and products
I've always been obsessed with all things hair related-
hair removal-
hair care products
you name it.
Back when I was babysitting as a kid I'd use most of my money to try out new hair care products- including different colors, conditioners, shampoos- etc.
I used to be an EXPERT on all things hair.
I used to practically live in Ricky's NYC (beauty stores)
It was my candy store!
Now, having been a mom for a few years now-
I haven't been as dedicated to the hair scene as I was before.
But I have learn many new things.
In my lifetime- I've had almost every single hairstyle known to man-
oh yes- it's true
you name it- I've done it
every color imaginable- natural and Unnatural!
Every hair length- including bald (about 6 or 7 times!) Except I have never grown my hair past my butt
I even had the word "Princess" shaved into my hair many years ago- because that was the nickname my girlfriend gave me a long time ago.
Like I said- I've DONE IT ALL!!!
This also is a very typical symptom of me being bipolar-
I change my mind all the time- I go through fashion phases- almost every month- even daily!
Back in the day I even colored my hair THREE times in ONE DAY!
Yeah-I'm Bipolar!!! FOR SURE!
Having done all this- yes I have had my hair fall out-
surprising when my hair wasn't chemically treated at all and was completely all-natural.
(Thyroid issues)
I now have several favorite GO-TO products.
Especially for curly hair.
My hair is very curly and very coarse
White girl- hair products didn't do the job for my hair-
and I finally tried some (don't ask me why they call it this- it's so stupid!) "Ethnic" hair care products.
Now I found the ones in the drugstore- weren't very good.
They were greasy and smelled bad.
I've used them ALL.
Now I have my favorites-
my daughter, Violet, has hair similar to mine, it's extremely curly- but it's fine baby hair at the moment.
But we still are able to use the same products.
I get complements on how GOOD my daughter smells- ALL THE TIME!
And that sh smells good enough to eat!
Now that's a compliment!!!
I always tell them it's her hair creme.
I'm giving away my secret now-
I used to only be able to find it at Ricky's- but I recently found it on amazon! Wooohooo!
Since there's no Ricky's near me in Brooklyn. Boo-hoo!
I LOVE this product- and it styles and conditions at the same time- and smell like vanilla cake!!!
I also find this product is great for kids!!!
I put it on my daughter's hair before school/ and or going outside.
It's a great way to PROTECT against LICE!
LICE HATE "Dirty hair" meaning- the only like freshly cleaned, no product used in, hair!
You learned something new now didn't ya?!
It's about $13. Now before you say- how expensive it is- because it is costly ( I'm POOR I KNOW THIS), it lasts for MONTHS and MONTHS!! You only need a little bit! It saves money in the long run!
My next fave product-
This one is about $10 and can be bought at target or http://www.target.com/
It is SO GREAT for my hair and really leaves it healthy looking and feels really soft!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this product!!
Next is a NEW favorite brand of hair care products for me:
Carol's Daughter!
Now these products can get costly- but if you buy one at a time- (usually around $10) or as a gift set- it saves you some money.
These products smell SO SUPER GOOD!!!!
And they make my hair look amazing! Curly, shiny and defined!!!
Especially the spray leave-in conditioners!!!
I find it leaves my hair even more curly than any other creme or hair lotion
Another oldie- but goodie product I've liked for a very long long long time-
Is by bedhead called Curls ROCK amplifier!
I was recommended this by a old Ricky's worker ( years ago) when they actually knew about the products they were selling (now dare to ask a question and all you get are blank stares!)
Now for Shampoo:
This is a tricky one- most shampoos are very drying for coarse hair.
The more expensive ones always seem to work better- but who can afford a $30 shampoo?!!!!
My old fave shampoo/conditioner/ practically every product was by kerastase!
REALLY EXPENSIVE products!! You'd make a killing with commission selling these products!
And they DO work- but I found the shampoo made my face breakout (years ago) so I stopped using them.
I have very sensitive skin- I'm allergic to practically everything out there!
So I decided to go the Sulfate-FREE route-
Even high end products- sulfate free- isn't very easy to fin- it's getting easier- but not quite there yet.
I tried L'Oreals sulfate free reconstructive shampoo-
and the verdict is- I FREAKING LOVE THIS PRODUCT
This shampoo you can get basically in every drugstore on the planet- well at least MOST of them anyways.
It's $6.99!
And it lasts a long time! A few months at least!
It's didn't dry out my hair, or make me break out. It smells good and leaves my hair extra soft.
So that's my list for now- Hopefully I'll have new fave products coming soon.
I'm not making any money off recommending these products-
I just thought it would be nice to share with all of you-
since I get asked these questions a lot by my friends.
Peace, Love, and Hair picks!!!
Kisses Bitches!
Holla to all my curly hair friends out there!!!
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